Last New Year's Eve I set some goals/resolutions that I wanted to acheive this year. Here's how I did:
1. Finally get healthy. - I am going to vote this one a thumbs up. I have lost 40 lbs thus far and have grown so much when it comes to know what I need to be doing to be a healthier person. It is still a struggle everday to get up and get to the gym, but Zumba makes life a lot if I could just get a chef to come cook delicious, healthy foods for me, I would have this down!
2. Read 52 books by December 31, 2011. - Epic failure. I think I only made it half way through this goal. I was pretty on track until we bought a house and went on three very busy trips this summer and then I started back to full time work.
3. Create a loving and nurturing and drama free environment in my home. - This is an ever constant work in progress. I have learned a lot about Sam and I over the last 365 days and our relationship continues to be a loving journey with a few bumps in the road. He is continuing to learn that sometimes I just need a hug and I am continuing to learn that sometimes he's not mad at me, he is mad at the situation. I still can't keep my house as clean as I would like, but that comes with the territory of working full time and choosing to spend my evenings with my husband and my friends instead of doing dishes and scrubbing the floors.
4. Be open to what God is trying to tell me and quit fighting Him. - This was really difficult for me. In June I went to Puerto Rico hoping for something big to happen and boy, did it. It wasn't an earth shattering, life changing single moment, but merely the start of a opportunity for a very dear friend that has led to more prayer and thought and tears than I ever thought possible. November brought the final culmination of it all, and starting on January 15, Sam and I will lead our Epicenter Youth Group without our very dear friend. While out driving the other day, I saw a church sign that said "Don't ask God to move you if you aren't willing to pick up your feet." Well, its time for me to pick up my feet.
5. Try to love everyone with intensity and passion so that they may know God's love through me for as long as our paths cross. Some people are only in our lives for a short period of time, and I want to impact everyone in the best possible way. - Without going into too much detail, this resolution has changed and is continuing to change my life.
So, there are my goals for the next 361 days. I'll try to keep an updated list of my books and how things are going. Thanks!
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